Mastercard Information Center
Mastercard collects a vast amount of data related to how, when and where card holders spend. In an effort to monetize this card spending data and provide value to the banks and financial institutions who offer Mastercard, the company created a tool that would allow them to evaluate the data to derive business insights.
When they attempted to release the tool for external use by clients, it was proclaimed powerful and desirable - but also unusable.
At that point, they asked for VMLY&R’s help in reshaping the experience.
(May 2017 — July 2018)
Over the course of 14 months, I led two phases of this project to go through the process of re-imagining the experience from their client’s perspective - and developed a new interface with functionality to deliver on the promise of a self-service tool for users in multiple roles. I worked closely with other XD resources and my designers to realize the experience using two different brand treatments.
Our deliverables were a set of persona-based flows which we used to create an InVision prototype demonstrating the key screens, critical features and role-based functionality. Additionally, we provided design specifications and annotations to capture the high level functionality to enable their internal UI team to pick up the work at hand off.